Coffee without milk
The Podcast by Maui Institute for Modern Music and Ebb & Flow Arts View EpisodesCoffee Without Milk
This podcast series focuses on the conversations between composers, artists, performers, and musicians in the 21st Century. The conversations are unfiltered, reflective, and engaging. Please take a listen and consider the impacts of the performing arts on our world.
Each episode can be listened to or saved to your device as an MP3 file. A link to watch the episode on YouTube is also available. Links are provided for each guest so you can explore more content. The title, “Coffee Without Milk,” is the punch-line from a joke in the film, “Ninotchka,” cited in an essay by Slavoj Zizek.

episode 12, Naomi Niskala
Join celebrated and highly accomplished EFA guest pianist Naomi Niskala as we listen to and discuss the extraordinary and varied works in her repertoire. The conversation focuses on the published and discovered music of 20th Century composer Robert Helps as well as Naomi’s process for rehearsing and presenting new works. Teaching and performing are paramount abilities of the modern pianist, and Naomi describes her philosophy and discipline before and during the pandemic.

episode 11, Ignace "Iggy" Jang and Hawai'i Composers
Iggy Jang in conversation and reflection with composers Michael Foumai, Takuma Itoh, Jon Magnussen, Thomas Osborne, Robert Pollock, Peter Swanzy, and Donald Womack.
This special episode brings together a group of Hawai’i-based composers with a common thread: All have worked with and written music especially for Hawai’i Symphony Concertmaster and world-renowned violin virtuoso Iggy Jang. Join us as we listen to the works we’ve shared, discuss our collaborations, our experiences, and our hopes for the future through collaboration (NOT competition)!

episode 10, Bob Wehrman and Mike Takemoto
Experience, watch, and listen to a conversation between some of Ebb & Flow Arts most important creative minds. Since the early days of Ebb & Flow Arts, Bob Wehrman and Mike Takemoto have been fervent contributors – developing immersive full-dome videos, painting live musical scores, and advocating passionately for the arts in our communities.

episode 009, Sarah Cahill
Sarah Cahill is an amazing force for modern music. She has offered worldwide piano performances, produced dozens of CD’s, granted numerous commissions, gives regular radio broadcasts, and has deep knowledge of all things she touches. Join us in the broadcast of several video/audio files of Ms. Cahill’s performances including her discussion of them. They range from Henry Cowell’s imaginative rhythmic concepts to music-in-isolation with treasured music revolutionary, Leo Ornstein, to many composers as part of her ongoing project, The Future is Female.

episode 008, Gregory T.S. Walker
Dr. George Walker is Ebb & Flow Arts’s Honorary President Emeritus (in Memoriam). The Walker family is a remarkable and exceptional American musical family. Listen in with world-renowned violinist and composer Gregory Walker as he shares extraordinary musical performances, stories about his father George Walker and his mother Helen Walker-Hill, and his ongoing passions and groundbreaking pursuits.

episode 007, Andy Behrle
Join the conversation with master sculptor and craftsman Andy Behrle as he discusses his process, technique, and inspiration for a variety of works involving light, electronics, sound, architecture, projected video, and handsomely refurbished Victrola’s adapted to play the music of the stars.

episode 006, Adam Tendler
World-renowned patriotic pianist Adam Tendler discusses the works and philosophies of John Cage, Christian Wolff, and Toru Takemitsu while lambasting censorship on Tumblr and delving into the rhythmic intricacies of nearly-lost composer Robert Moffat Palmer. Join us as we listen to recent performances and address the challenges of creating music and identifying with society and culture during the time of Covid.

episode 005, Bill Anderson w/ Joan Forsyth
Composer and virtouso guitarist Bill Anderson is joined by special guest and pianist Joan Forsyth to discuss modern music, the art of listening, the works of Dina Koston, poetry, Darmstadt, Fractal Baroque, the pronunciation of “Theorbo.”

episode 004, Lee Michael Walczuk
Lee Michael Walczuk, legendary puppet maker, craftsman, dancer, and performance artist joins EFA to talk story about all things creative and modern arts in Hawai’i. Video samples courtesy of Grofilms.

episode 003, Duo Diorama & igor santos
MingHuan Xu and Winston Choi of Duo Diorama join EFA from Chicago to discuss recent works, rehearsal and practice, and modern technique. Joined by special guest composer Igor Santos.

Episode 002, Robert Pollock
The second episode turns the questions around and focuses on the origins of EFA, and the complex textural styles of Robert’s music. A lesson in composition and an engaging conversation.

Episode 001, Peter Swanzy
This pilot episode features composer, video artist, and EFA technical producer Peter Swanzy discussing EFA endeavors, creating art for full-dome presentations, and the future.
This event is part of E&FA’s annual, multi day, multi site, international NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FESTIVAL 2020. NSEW Fest 2020 is produced, in part, with support from Korean American Foundation Hawai’i, AHS Foundation, John R. Halligan Charitable Fund, Hawai’i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, Roger Shapiro Fund for New Music, Edward T. Cone Foundation, Amphion Foundation, BMI Foundation, Kosasa Family Foundation (ABC Stores), Vendetti Productions LLC, and private contributions. Web site service provided by Maui Web Designs.
Ebb & Flow Arts, Inc. (E&FA) is a non profit presenter of modern music and multi media events. It is the only such presenter in Hawai’i, and was founded in 1999, by composer/pianist Robert Pollock. It aims to build bridges between the arts and connect artistic expressions and cultures. E&FA creates a global sound board and mirror for music and art in Hawai’i. Further information: (808) 876-1854, and, Find us on FACEBOOK.